“It is generally a good idea to have a variety of tools (and people) at your disposal.
I have found that my own investigative methods tend to lean towards the scientific. Although I have on occasion picked up on psychic impressions, I like having detailed data.
-Richard Southall, How to be a Ghost Hunter
Special Equipment Storage Area
This room is dedicated to all the interesting, experimental, special and/or unique equipment for use in your Beyond the Supernatural™ RPG adventures.
Standard Ghost Hunting Equipment
This is the Standard Ghost Hunting Equipment PDF that I hand out to players that attend my Ghost Story themed convention games. Also note that both of my pregenerated Parapsychologist characters usually have these tools in their list of equipment
While there's nothing unique about these items per se, the images and descriptions help the players get into their character and offers them a method of paranormal investigating via these tools. EVP's, orb photography, cold spots, and other signs of paranormal activity can be discovered by using these tools.
PDF updated 4/20/2021

Air Ion Counter
“Spirit Detector”
“The Air Ion Counter (A.I.C.) is a handheld device that's designed to measure ion density. The counter is used in a number of scientific fields and specifically measures the number of ions (both positive and negative) per cubic centimeter or the average in a given area.
In Paranormal investigation and research the device is used as a gauge which can measure paranormal activity and sometimes the direct (though unseen) presence of a ghost or entity.”
This neat little toy comes from first time contributor Jeff Duncan. It can be thought of as an additional item to add to a paranormal investigators arsenal, and can add tension and intrigue in a given investigation.
Prototype Crime Scene &
Forensic Equipment
The Prototype Crime Scene / Forensic Equipment PDF were designed to be used in place of fragile and expensive state-of-the-art forensic/scientific analytical equipment while potentially replacing the need of having a crime scene / forensic specialist (or an entire team of specialists) on location.
My pregenerated Parapsychologist characters always have this equipment listed on their character sheets and they're always available to the player characters in my home game at a set is always stored in the team's van (known as the Demon Knight 2.0) for whenever they want or need them.
Note: These devices were inspired by the Condemned: Criminal Origins video game (which is where the images came from).
PDF updated 4/20/2021

The Sabatina Lampshades
In the early 1970s, anyone actively practicing magic, occultism or Parapsychology knew of, or had at least heard of Sabatina Achille at some point during the decade.
Sabatina was a Haitian voodooist who was said to regularly make contact with an ancient god. She also raised goats and prepared goat hides for a living, including the hide of the goats she's sacrificed to what she only referred to as an ancient African god.
Some of these infused hides were used to make lampshades. It was discovered years later that these Sabatina Lampshades possess magical properties when used correctly.
PDF updated 6/1/2021
"I am inclined to believe that our personality hereafter will be able to affect matter.
If this reasoning be correct, then, if we can evolve an instrument so delicate as to be
affected by our personality as it survives in the next life, such an instrument,
when made available,
ought to record something."
- Thomas Edison
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